Our Classes & Courses
Easy | Some Saturdays : 09.00
Morning yoga to activate your spine and joints so they feel good all day. It will charge your body with energy needed for the rest of the day. This is the drop in class and is not included in membership.
Check Timetable to see which Saturdays of the month are dedicated for it.
Price 160kr/ MEMBERS FREE

Relaxing | Tuesdays & Thursday 19:10
In Yin Yoga we hold from 6-12 easy positions during class from 2-4 mints each with props so body feels supported. Static, relaxing , working on releasing tension in body &mind, excellent to calm your nervous system. Each class focus on a various themes from focusing on shoulders, hips, spine to grounding, stress relief or intention setting etc.

Tension Focuses: For all | Tuesday : 18:00
A slow, soft approach to yoga. Deep stretches and slow movement. Focus: releasing the tension and creating the space within the body.
In this class we use the tennis balls to massage the area such a legs, spine, hips.

Yang & Yin
Fo all | TBA, not on timetable now
Yang & Yin class is designed for you to enter the week with an ease in your body and mind. We start with slow flow and finish with yin/ restorative poses. This is 2 in 1 class, containing movement, stretching and topped with relaxation.
Challenging | TBA, not on plan
Dynamic class designed to strengthen the core muscles so be prepared to be in plank, to challenge your balance, to do some ´tummy training´ and some fun with arm balances, inversions. Class for those who are familiar with yoga positions and have practiced yoga for min 3 months. Sweaty&fun class.

Challenging | Thursday: 17:00
It is a Strong Flow as you will be challenged with balance and transitions. This is Vinyasa based class therefore it is created for those who are familiar with dynamic yoga and practice yoga min 3 months.
High Energy | Tuesday : 17.00
Intensive &fiery workout followed by release&stretch.
Combination between yoga &HIIT (* high intensity interval training).
Part yoga, part workout, part stretching, part relaxation ...what could you ask for more to start your day with.

Contact us
It’s a beneficial investment in your practice to take the time to ensure proper alignment and understand potential modifications that are specific to your body and your needs.